Réka Tóth Révészné
Current appointment:
college senior lecturer
Office address:
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Medical and Health Science Center,
University of Debrecen, Hungary
Life Science Building, Egyetem tér 1., Debrecen, Hungary H-4010
collige senior lecturer Location: Life Science Building, 3.111
Phone: +36-52-416-432,ext.: 64789 Fax: +36-52-314-989
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
General information: Languages: Hungarian (native) English (State Exam, Intermediate Level A (040406/1997), B (01556/1995) French (State Exam, Intermediate Level (A 0105177/1990) Academic background: Diploma (M.Sc.equivalent) (248/1992): Biology-Chemistry teacher
Lajos Kossuth University, Debrecen, (1992)
Diploma work entitled:
The effect of B cyclodextrins on insulin absorption
(In Hungarian - 1992)
Ph.D. Student, in Medical Sciences (cell and molecular biology) University Medical School, Debrecen, Hungary (1994-1997) Advisor: Zsuzsa Szondy Ph.D, University of Medical School of Debrecen Thesis for the degree of Ph.D. in Medical Sciences (cell and molecular biology) PhD thesis entitled: Study of Fas/FasL mediated cell death on IP-12-7 mouse T hybridoma cell line Scientific background:
assistant research fellow (1997-1999) research fellow (1999-) at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Medical and Health Science Center, University of Debrecen, Hungary, "Apoptosis and Signaling" Research Team of the Hungarien Academy of Sciences,
Current memberships in professional societies: Europien Cell death organisation (ECDO) Hungarian Biochemical Society
Hungarian Biology Society Publications:
Szondy, Zs., Reichert, U., Bernardon, JU.M., Michel, S., Tóth, R., Ancian, P., Ajzner, É. and Fésüs, L.: Induction of apoptosis by retinoids and RARg selective compounds
in mouse thymocytes through a novel apoptosis pathway, Molecular Pharmacology 1996.51: 972-982 . (IF.6.104, Ref.:52)
Z.Szondy, U.Reichert, J.M.Bernardoon, S.Michel, R.Tóth, H.Lecoeur, M.Gougeon and L. Fésüs (1996) Retinoic acids differentially modulate various forms of T cell death. Cell Biol. Int. 20.231-232 (IF:1.018 )(Absztrakt) 1997 Szondy, Zs., Molnár, P., Nemes, Z., Boyadzis, M., Kedei, N., Tóth, R. and L. Fésüs, L. :Differential expression of tissue transglutaminase during in vivo apoptosis of thymocytes induced via distinct signalling pathway. FEBS Letters 1997. 404: 307-313 (IF:3.504, Ref.: 33) 1998
Szondy, Zs., Reichert, U., Bernardon, J.M., Michel, S., Tóth, R., Karászi, É. and Fésüs, L.: Inhibition of activation-induced apoptosis of thymocytes by all-trans- and 9-cis retinoic acid is mediated via retinoic acid receptor. Biochem J.1998. 331:767-774 (IF:3.855, Ref.: 23)
Tóth, R., Szegezdi, É., Molnár, G., M. Lord, J., Fésüs L., and Szondy, Zs.: Regulation of cell surface expression of Fas (CD95) ligand and susceptibility to Fas (CD95)-mediated apoptosis in activation-induced T cell death involves calcineurin and protein kinase C, respectively. Eur.J.Immunol. 1999. 29:383-393.( IF:5.635 Ref.:24)
2001 Macsari Z, Fesus L, Szondy Z. Activation-induced apoptosis and cell surface expression of Fas (CD95) ligandare reciprocally regulated by retinoic acid receptor alpha and gamma and involvenur77 in T cells. Eur J Immunol. 2001 May;31(5):1382-91. .(.IF:5.635 Ref..: 13) Szondy Z, Tóth R, Szegezdi É, Reichert U, Ancien P, and Fésüs L.: Cell death and HIV pathogenesis and its modulation by retinoids.Ann.Ny.Acad.Sci. 2001. 946.95-107.( IF:1.593, Ref:3)
Kopper L (ed), Fésüs L (ed), Mádi A, Tóth R, Fodor A, Peták I, Barna G, Bauer I P, Kénesi E,Nagy K, Mihalik R, Szondy Zs, Sebestyén A, Szende B, Krajcsik P, Sótonyi P, Szentmáriay I, Nagy Z, Simon L, ifj Nemes Z, Nagy P, Fenyőfalvi Gy, Mihalik R: Apoptózis, Medicina Könyvkiadó Rt. Budapest (2002), p. 474 (book)
Dérfalvi B; Benyó G; Rényi I; Matolcsy A; Tóth R; Szondy Z; Maródi L. Benignus lymphoproliferatio – autoimmun lymphoproliferatív szindróma. Gyermekgyógyászat 2003; 54: 127-132. IF: 0 10.
Kiss I, Oskolás H, Tóth R, Bouillet P, Tóth K, Fülöp A, Scholtz B, ledent CA, Fésüs L, Szondy Zs, Adenosine A2A receptor mediated cell death of mouse thymocytes involves Adenylate cyclase, Bim and is negativelí regulated by Nur77. Eur. J. Immunol. 2006 36:1559-71 IF:5.005