Prof. Béla Tankó was the founder of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
This seminar series is dedicated to his memory.
Under the auspices of the Béla Tankó seminars we attempt to invite world-class scientists from both Hungary and the world to talk on their state-of-the-art research topics.  
The series is open to the public. 
The series is usually organized around a paricular topic:
 for Autumn 2007/2008 the topic is:
The role of RNA in gene expression regulation 
Location: Department Library, Life Science Building, University of Debrecen 

unless stated otherwise.

Schedule for Autumn 2007/2008 

September 20, 12.00 AM

Peter Vandenabeele (University of Ghent, Belgium) 

Non-apoptotic functions of caspases 

September 27, 11.00 AM

Beáta Scholcz (University of Debrecen, Hungary)

Mikro-RNS-ek és tumorok (in Hungarian)

October 11, 11.00 AM

Dániel Silhavy (Agricultural Biotechnology Center, Gödöllő, Hungary)

Milyen mechanizmusok biztosítjak, hogy csak a tökéletes mRNS-ek
transzlálódhassanak? A növényi NMD rendszer működése és az eukarióta NMD
rendszerek evolúcioja. (in Hungarian)

October 18, 11.00 AM

Márta Széll (University of Szeged, Hungary)

Nem-kódoló RNS-ek, szerepük a humán evolucióban es betegségek pathogenezisében (in Hungarian)

October 25, 11.00 AM

Jan Tuckerman (Leibnitz Institute for Age Research, Jena, Germany)

Dimerization of the glucocorticoid receptor revisited: Dispensable for anti-inflammation? 

 November 15, 11.00 AM

Eörs Szatmáry (Eötvös Lóránt Universiy of Budapest, Hungary)


November 22, 11.00 AM

Miklós Erdélyi (Biological Research Center, Szeged,Hungary)

Embrionális ivarsejtfejlődés Drosophilában: citoplazmában lokalizált mRNS-ek szerepe  (in Hungarian)

November 29, 11.00 AM

József Burgyán (Agricultural Biotechnology Center, Gödöllő, Hungary)

Kis RNS alapu antiviralis immunitas (in Hungarian)

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